Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Progress Report

The day is 3/4 over and I've realized it's a lot harder to love myself than I thought. But I'm still trying! The worst has been not comparing myself to others. I do that way too often, I've discovered. It helps to just look at something else and tell myself, "You know what? You're not that person. So it doesn't matter what they look like." If I could, I challenge everyone - not just people with EDs - to try respecting and loving themselves for a day. It really does wonders for one's mood :)

This doesn't particularly relate to respect, but its an interesting quote from a scene I'm working on in acting class. Take it how you will:
"I don't like myself as I am, I suppose, so I've had to invent another person. It's not so harmful, really [MY INTERJECTION: FALSE!!]. We've all got daydreams. Mine have gone a step further than most people's - that's all. Quite often I've even managed to believe in [the facade] myself."

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