Wednesday, March 10, 2010

R-E-S-P-E-C-T :)

Today I am going to respect my body.
I am going to eat when my body tells me it is hungry, and stop when it tells me I am full.
I am going to avoid the nutrition section of the library with all of it's diet books.
I am going avoid the building with all the windows and reflective surfaces.
I will not stand in front of the mirror picking out all the places I think are "fat."
I will not compare the way I look with others.
I will enjoy wearing my favorite jeans and not convince myself that they are unflattering.

I will not worry about what other people are eating.
I will not worry that other people are watching what I eat.
I am going to turn off the megaphone of negativity inside my head.
I am not going to watch triggering videos on youtube or read triggering articles online.
If I feel like I need to talk with someone, I will talk with someone.
I am going to love myself just the way I am, just for today.

(P.S. Not sure what the picture has to do with this post, but it brings back happy memories.)

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