Sunday, March 7, 2010

This weekend I was about a hair's-width away from a relapse of anorexia. Weird, I know, since I've been struggling with BED for the last three years. I think there were just too many triggers and I didn't know how to deal with them except do what I did the last time (restrict, exercise, obsess, etc.). Anyways, I got to Saturday night I just couldn't take it anymore. Too many opposing voices in my head. I was about to just go to bed when I was like, "I haven't really prayed in so long." Explanation: I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and communicating with God (our Heavenly Father) is a big part of my beliefs. I'm still at the point in my recovery where I don't always like to open up to people about what I'm going through and what I'm feeling. But I know my Heavenly Father always has time and a desire to listen to me (sorry, this is not intended to turn into a religious lecture... just sharing my thoughts). So I knelt down and prayed and cried (which I almost never do) and talked and really poured my heart out. I had completely forgotten how good it felt to converse with my Father in Heaven. For the first time in many nights I was able to fall asleep easily with a peaceful heart and a relaxed mind. I'm thinking I should pray like this more often.

How has religion helped/hindered your recovery? Does religion play any role in your life? (I'm following in the footsteps of the blog ED Bites in leaving a question at the end of my post :)

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